
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Project that changed it's mind

Not sure this has ever happened to me before, but the entrelac hat that I made has decided that it is going to be a tea cozy! I really wasn't happy with the way it looked as a hat and I slid it over my tea pot and thought... much better *S*

I have been working on another poncho. It really has no one in mind but just doing it to use up stash. Will probably put it away for the Christmas Cheer box. Hopefully I will be able to post a picture later today, or tomorrow for sure.

Must get ahold of our good friends and see what their daughter's favorite colors are and if they think she would like a poncho. Her birthday is coming up quickly so have to get on it quickly.

Today is the day Ryan and his gf are going to the island for some sight seeing. Have been thinking about him and wondering where they are etc. I will probably talk to him Thursday night after he gets back and hear how it went.

Last night my interview went very well. The dad is very nice, and very open which is always nice. The little boy is so cute and very well mannered and well behaved. I think he will fit in here just perfectly!

Off to watch the end of curling and work on my poncho.


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