One down, six to go!
The girls at the reunion/gtg are a very bad influence on me. I have always had one, maybe 2 projects cast on at a time, never have second sock syndrom as I always to the second sock immediately after binding off the first sock. But I spend a few days with these ladies and came home with seven, yes SEVEN projects on different needles! The poor single socks are in their little project bags screaming out to be finished, but a person only has so much time. I did manage to finish up one project that I cast on. These socks are done from opal that is called Rodeo that I got from Sarah. I love the yarn and loved the way it worked up. The yarn really surprised everyone, no one could guess exactly what was coming next. I usually don't mind if my socks don't match perfectly, but with these ones I just felt they had to match. So I worked one down to the toe decreases, where I noticed that that left me right where I cast the first sock on. So I cut the yarn, cast on the second sock, finished it right to the end of the toe, then found the right color pattern, joined and finished the toe of the first sock. Here they are

Last night I talked with Ryan for a long time, he was very chatty which was nice. He is really getting tired from all the hours he has been working. There is a glimmer at the end of the tunnel though as they have a new assistant manager coming the end of the month. Since moving to B.C., he has been finding things pretty tight financially, what with rent and utilities, his car payment and car insurance, groceries, and all the other things that one has to buy. He told me last night that his plans are to move into his girlfriends apartment. She has a roommate that sort of out of the blue gave her notice and said she was leaving and she can't afford the rent herself so this should help them both out a bit. We are really looking forward to meeting her and her son this summer and getting to know these people who seem to have become so important in Ryan's life.
Crystal is keeping busy with her school work and her job. Yesterday and today she wrote a final in one of her courses. She still has a group project to finish in this course. By the end of April she will be done for the summer, and she is looking forward that.

Last night I talked with Ryan for a long time, he was very chatty which was nice. He is really getting tired from all the hours he has been working. There is a glimmer at the end of the tunnel though as they have a new assistant manager coming the end of the month. Since moving to B.C., he has been finding things pretty tight financially, what with rent and utilities, his car payment and car insurance, groceries, and all the other things that one has to buy. He told me last night that his plans are to move into his girlfriends apartment. She has a roommate that sort of out of the blue gave her notice and said she was leaving and she can't afford the rent herself so this should help them both out a bit. We are really looking forward to meeting her and her son this summer and getting to know these people who seem to have become so important in Ryan's life.
Crystal is keeping busy with her school work and her job. Yesterday and today she wrote a final in one of her courses. She still has a group project to finish in this course. By the end of April she will be done for the summer, and she is looking forward that.
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