Little of this and a little of that
Last week we had some rather nice fall type weather. The type of weather where you need your jacket for sure in the mornings and can get away with a sweatshirt in the afternoons. They are saying that this week should be fairly nice temp wise, but we are expecting some rain. Yesterday Gary went out and lawnmowed the grass, sucked up all the leaves that have falled and racked the berries from the front yard. It looks so much better now. The deer still come up nightly and eat up some of the fallen berries and also take some off the tree. I watched a young buck and two little ones last night for a little bit. They are such pretty animals.
I have now finished up Jordyn's & Dayne's socks and have one of Justins done. This weekend Christmas knitting took a back burner as I worked on a blanket for Dayne from dishcloth cotton. Someone, a grandma I think, made these blankets for Jordyn and Dayne and they are started to show their wear so I was making him a new one. I measured it against his old one this morning and have to do about 5 more rows and then it will be done. Also got an 'order' from Ryan for some dishcloths. They want them to put into one of Tammy's friends Xmas present. It is the friend they are living with right now and they figure she doesn't have enough *S* So I will get those done up too and have them ready to mail off to them. They want the ones that are crocheted and have the loop on them to hang off the faucet.
This has been a really different week to say the least. I guess because I am a person who believes in honesty and being honest that I just assume that that is how everyone is, but I have learnt that that isn't always the case. I have to say that it has really hurt me as well as some others to have learnt that there have been quite a few untruths being told to other about good friends of mine and probably about me as well. As I sat and thought about it I really had to question, just what does a person get from embellish stories, making up 'facts' and just spreading really hurtful things. I find it really sad that there are people like that out there, and I also find it sad that other's might get taken in by them. How they just go ahead and believe the stories even if it doesn't really sound like the person's character at all. Oh well, one thing I have learnt from this whole experience is just who my real true friends are. It will take me awhile to make up my mind about some others though! I do understand that the written word can be misunderstood sometimes, but I think this went way over that line and was downright malicious.
I have now finished up Jordyn's & Dayne's socks and have one of Justins done. This weekend Christmas knitting took a back burner as I worked on a blanket for Dayne from dishcloth cotton. Someone, a grandma I think, made these blankets for Jordyn and Dayne and they are started to show their wear so I was making him a new one. I measured it against his old one this morning and have to do about 5 more rows and then it will be done. Also got an 'order' from Ryan for some dishcloths. They want them to put into one of Tammy's friends Xmas present. It is the friend they are living with right now and they figure she doesn't have enough *S* So I will get those done up too and have them ready to mail off to them. They want the ones that are crocheted and have the loop on them to hang off the faucet.
This has been a really different week to say the least. I guess because I am a person who believes in honesty and being honest that I just assume that that is how everyone is, but I have learnt that that isn't always the case. I have to say that it has really hurt me as well as some others to have learnt that there have been quite a few untruths being told to other about good friends of mine and probably about me as well. As I sat and thought about it I really had to question, just what does a person get from embellish stories, making up 'facts' and just spreading really hurtful things. I find it really sad that there are people like that out there, and I also find it sad that other's might get taken in by them. How they just go ahead and believe the stories even if it doesn't really sound like the person's character at all. Oh well, one thing I have learnt from this whole experience is just who my real true friends are. It will take me awhile to make up my mind about some others though! I do understand that the written word can be misunderstood sometimes, but I think this went way over that line and was downright malicious.
So you and I will have to talk and really discuss what it is that she was saying about me!!! what lies she was spreading!
Susanne, at 10:11 AM
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