Finishing up some odds and ends
Last night I talked to my dad and he was saying that his hands and feet are really bothering him, but nothing he can't live with. I think he just feels lucky that this is the only side affect that he is dealing with. He wants me to price out udder balm down here for him, as he figures it will be cheaper here and he goes through a lot of it! I will do that before he comes down on Tuesday. After his appointment on Tuesday he will start his fifth round of pills. It has seemed to go by fast, not sure he would agree with me though.
Finished up my second poncho this morning. It is done is a chunky weight sayelle.

I also finished up a dishcloth that I had promised to get done. I did the Manitoba one and it turned out alright I think
Finished up my second poncho this morning. It is done is a chunky weight sayelle.

I also finished up a dishcloth that I had promised to get done. I did the Manitoba one and it turned out alright I think

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