Busy Weekend
Friday night Gary and Crystal went to the hockey game, so I had a quiet evening at home. I watched a little tv and knit.
Saturday morning we ran errands and then started looking for new carpet for the basement. I hate that job, drive here and look, drive there and look, here and there, all over the place. We finally settled on a place that had carpet that we both liked. We are getting them to install it for us, so it won't be in till May 16th. They could of come earlier but with Ryan home we need that room down there somewhat together for him so just figured we would just do it once he left and then we can just empty the room out. I am so excited to get the new carpet in though. We have never really done a whole lot to our basement since we moved here other than painting the walls. It has that indoor/outdoor carpet now and it has definetly seen better days! We are getting a light colored berber(spelling) that has flecks of other colors through it so should be fairly easy to match to other things. I will take some before and after pictures. In the evening we had our bowling windup, which was a supper, awards and then the rest of the evening people could play pool, shuffleboard, darts or take part in the karoke. We had a delicious turkey supper and then people just hung around taking part in whatever activities they wanted. We live fairly close to the hall where it was held so we just walked there and then walked home. I was glad that I had worn my Martha poncho as it was rather chilly when we walked home.
Today we will just do up a few things around the house that didn't get done yesterday and then I think we will spend time outside enjoying the nice weather. It is suppose to get up to somewhere between 22C - 25C, so will be very nice! Think I will take something out that we can barbeque for supper.
I finished up these Fortissma Socks that I started in Calgary
Saturday morning we ran errands and then started looking for new carpet for the basement. I hate that job, drive here and look, drive there and look, here and there, all over the place. We finally settled on a place that had carpet that we both liked. We are getting them to install it for us, so it won't be in till May 16th. They could of come earlier but with Ryan home we need that room down there somewhat together for him so just figured we would just do it once he left and then we can just empty the room out. I am so excited to get the new carpet in though. We have never really done a whole lot to our basement since we moved here other than painting the walls. It has that indoor/outdoor carpet now and it has definetly seen better days! We are getting a light colored berber(spelling) that has flecks of other colors through it so should be fairly easy to match to other things. I will take some before and after pictures. In the evening we had our bowling windup, which was a supper, awards and then the rest of the evening people could play pool, shuffleboard, darts or take part in the karoke. We had a delicious turkey supper and then people just hung around taking part in whatever activities they wanted. We live fairly close to the hall where it was held so we just walked there and then walked home. I was glad that I had worn my Martha poncho as it was rather chilly when we walked home.
Today we will just do up a few things around the house that didn't get done yesterday and then I think we will spend time outside enjoying the nice weather. It is suppose to get up to somewhere between 22C - 25C, so will be very nice! Think I will take something out that we can barbeque for supper.
I finished up these Fortissma Socks that I started in Calgary

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