Gloria is a lady who was in our bowling league. She has bowled for a very long time, helped with the youth bowling, has two little grandsons who she encouraged in their bowling and was so proud of each and every one of their acheivements.
Last week they made the announcement that Gloria was in the hospital with a pancreatic infection and that they were passing an envelope around and anyone who wanted to put some money in they could and then one member was going to go and get some flowers or fruit and take them up to Gloria. The member that was going to do that phoned Gloria's husband to see what would be best and he said to hold off on anything for the time. He also said that Gloria was not doing that good.
To the shock of most in our league the announcement was made last night that Gloria had passed away around supper time. Someone said that they discovered she had galloping cancer(?).
It really does make one think. Here was a lady who seemed perfectly healthy, did not seem to have any medical problems. She started to feel ill over thanksgiving weekend and she went to her doctor the Tuesday after thanksgiving (Oct 11). He ordered tests, said it was showing pancreatic infection and put her in the hospital, and on Oct 31st she passes away. Makes one realize just how important it is to live each day as it just might be your last because it just might be. A very good friend of mine said that we should really live in the present, forget the past because it is over and done with, don't live for the future because you just might not have one, so live each day for all it is worth!
I felt really bad for one guy at bowling last night. He is a very good friend to Gloria and her family and he was really struggling. This person isn't really my most favorite person but it really made one hurt to see him hurting. He came over to where I was sitting and asked if I had heard the bad new and I said that I had and how shocked I was. I also said that I could see how hard being at bowling was for him so why didn't he just go home. He lives alone, his gf is in Winnipeg, and he said that he couldn't stay home, he wanted to be at bowling, with people who knew Gloria. How, yes it was hard to be there, but it was what Gloria would of wanted and it was so much better than being home.
Last week they made the announcement that Gloria was in the hospital with a pancreatic infection and that they were passing an envelope around and anyone who wanted to put some money in they could and then one member was going to go and get some flowers or fruit and take them up to Gloria. The member that was going to do that phoned Gloria's husband to see what would be best and he said to hold off on anything for the time. He also said that Gloria was not doing that good.
To the shock of most in our league the announcement was made last night that Gloria had passed away around supper time. Someone said that they discovered she had galloping cancer(?).
It really does make one think. Here was a lady who seemed perfectly healthy, did not seem to have any medical problems. She started to feel ill over thanksgiving weekend and she went to her doctor the Tuesday after thanksgiving (Oct 11). He ordered tests, said it was showing pancreatic infection and put her in the hospital, and on Oct 31st she passes away. Makes one realize just how important it is to live each day as it just might be your last because it just might be. A very good friend of mine said that we should really live in the present, forget the past because it is over and done with, don't live for the future because you just might not have one, so live each day for all it is worth!
I felt really bad for one guy at bowling last night. He is a very good friend to Gloria and her family and he was really struggling. This person isn't really my most favorite person but it really made one hurt to see him hurting. He came over to where I was sitting and asked if I had heard the bad new and I said that I had and how shocked I was. I also said that I could see how hard being at bowling was for him so why didn't he just go home. He lives alone, his gf is in Winnipeg, and he said that he couldn't stay home, he wanted to be at bowling, with people who knew Gloria. How, yes it was hard to be there, but it was what Gloria would of wanted and it was so much better than being home.
How sad Pat. Yes, disease and illness knows no boundaries does it.
Susanne, at 9:43 PM
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