
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Missing in Action?

No, not missing in action, but rather seems the door closed in my face and locked. So if you are a reader of my blog and wonder where I went please drop by The Crafter's Cabin and we can catch up with each other. I think you will recognized a few names there. This is a delphi forum so if you haven't visited there before you will have to register.

As for knitting I am still plugging away with my WW's. I cast on Rawley's and did the sleeves last night. I will cast on the body today. I am rather happy with the way the color is turning out. I wasn't sure about it in the bag. My lace knitting sits there untouched in so long! I really want to get back to it, but have so many holiday items that I MUST finish first before allowing myself to get back to it. I would love to have it finished before November 26th which is Ackland's big Christmas party in Winnipeg. It would really dress up an outfit, but there is no way that it will be done, so maybe next year. I have also been making mittens and hats for the Christmas Cheer hampers. I also have a few batwing shawls to go to the Salvation Army for their hampers. Thought that they might make a nice little something to put in a hamper for a mother of little ones or an older teen. I know that they get forgotten about alot at this time of year as everyone is concentrating on the little ones. If time allows I will make a couple more but can't make any promises right now.

Crystal is doing very well in her courses. She had one exam that she really worried about and was just hoping that she would get at least a 50% but ended up with a 71% so she was very happy. She is doing so well in the accounting part of the course too!

Ryan, Tammy & Rawley are more or less settled in their suite now. Upon getting to Nanaimo they realized that they were not very prepared at all. Since they packed all of their previous suite and moved in with a friend until their big move, they never even though to keep certain things out. So they arrived in Nanaimo without so much as a fork, spoon, knife, or a plate, or a pot to cook in... nothing! They did luck out to find that the previous tenants had forgotten some pots so they were able to cook simple things like pasta. They went out and bought some plastic bowls and disposable spoons and forks to make do till their stuff arrived. Ryan told me how they decided they would go and get a pizza to cook for supper one night. Got the pizza home and realized that they didn't have a pan to put it on, or a knife to cut it when it was done. As they were trying to figure out how to make their oven work their landlord came down to see how they were doing etc. They told him that they could not get the oven to come on, but even if they could they didn't have a pan or a knife so maybe pizza was out. He sent them up to his place and lent them a pan and his oven and when Ryan went back up to get the pizza he also gave them a knife to cut it with.

We have all been fighting colds here this last week. Crystal's is starting to sound some better, but Gary and I still have ours. Yesterday I couldn't talk so whenever I had something to say it was whispered. It is feeling a bit better today so maybe I will have voice later today.


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