
Friday, May 05, 2006


It is finally Friday. This has seemed like a very long week for some reason. Maybe it was because of the dreary, overcast, rainy weather that we had all week. This morning it was only 0C when I got up! It is suppose to start warming up now and I hope it is right.

We were suppose to be going to a BBQ tonight. It was being held in honor of one of Gary's coworkers. Last July I wrote about Darrell and his horrific car accident and this is who the bbq was suppose to be for. He was suppose to be getting discharged from the hospital today, but for some reason he isn't so the bbq is cancelled. I do have to wonder about planning the BBQ for the day he was getting discharged, but anyways. So now we will probably just veg tonight and then run errands tomorrow and hopefully get some yardwork done. I need to get busy in my flowerbeds but the weather has just been too yucky to do it.

Next Saturday the 13th we are helping at the Crohn's and Colitis Charity BBQ. It is our first weekend of camping so we won't be able to go out Friday night, but our shift is from 9:30 - 11:30 so we will go out when we are done. I sort of do hate to miss Friday night, but what with the weather the way it has been and this really is a good event that raises alot of money for research so it is okay. We have volunteered at it for a number of years and it is always a fun time.

Phoned my dad last night to wish him happy birthday and he told me that it is official that my brother and his partners have sold their business. They owned a heavy duty mechanic shop in Virden and someone came along with the right money so they decided to sell. They have all been doing this sort of work for a number of years now and felt that they had had enough. Pulling those wrenches can really be hard on a person's body! I guess since the word has gotten out he has had a few people phoning him offerring him jobs. He is applying for one and if he doesn't get it he will probably take one of the offers he has had. I remember when these guys were thinking about going out on their own and building their shop and all. My brother phoned me just to talk about it. He talked himself in and out of the idea 100 times during that phone call. It was a big decision to make, but did prove to be an excellent decision. They have done well there but is now time to move on.


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