
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sitting in the frog pond

Last night I was busy in the frog pond! I was working away on my latest project when I realized that I had a mistake a few rows back. I tried dropping the stitches down and fixing it but got myself in a HUGE mess so off to the pond I went. I hate watching rows disappear so fast, why can't the knit up that fast.LOL This morning I got it all straightened out and think I am on the right track now, so hopefully I will make progress again. I also cast on a WW, but only have the ribbing done so far. Also have a second sock to finish in regia stretch. This is the first time that I have used the stretch and I am quite liking it.

Talked to Ryan last night. Tammy and him had just finished packing the last of their belongings into packing crates. His move sounds like it is becoming more stressfull all the time! They have not been able to find a place in Nanaimo and his boss is telling him that maybe he is too picky and has turned down too many. Ryan told him that they haven't had the chance to turn down any because they haven't found one that was fit to live in yet. So now, after them already giving notice in Abbotsford, they have changed his date till November 1. So now they have what belongings they need kept out and everything else is in storage. They are moving in with a friend of Tammy's. She has a 1 bedroom apartment! I told Ryan that this is quite a test on their relationship and there won't be many things that come along more stressfull than this! I hope that everything starts falling into place for them really soon. Tammy has been sick and the dr says it is a small ulcer and I know that all this stress isn't helping at all.

A few of my daycare kids have colds, so I have been washing, washing, washing my hands and using the sanitizer when I am not near the sink! I hope that I don't get it! I never like being sick before I get my flu shot and they aren't in yet.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Last Camping Weekend

Seems that camping season has come to an end. In a way I wish there was still a few more weekends, but in another way I am glad that this is it. I have so much stuff to do around the house that I will be able to get to now. We couldn't go out last night as Gary and Crystal were at the hockey game and then this afternoon Gary has his golf league windup, so we will go out after he is done there.

This morning my uncle phoned to let me know that his father in law had passed away this morning. My aunt's family has always seemed like part of our family and they have been included in a number of family get togethers. Her dad, Dave, was actually the one who gave the toast to the bride at our wedding. Dave also was the one who was responsible for me getting my job at Cargill. When I moved to Brandon to work at Cargill he really did take me under his wing and was like my second dad. He was a funny guy and seemed to have a nickname for everyone and I have no idea how he came up with mine, Katrinka! LOL

Then we got a second call, this one was from my dad. He was phoning to let me know that Dave had passed away. While we were talking he also told me that my aunt, his sister, had gotten the results back from her last tests. She has to go back on chemo! I am sure this is quite a blow to her. Appears that in the scan they have noticed some more spots on her liver. She has been doing so well. She has an appointment down here and from there she will learn when she starts and what they will all involve. I really do hope all goes well for her and this takes care of the cancer once and for all.

I have been trying to get myself back in WW knitting mode! I seem to have gotten away from them. When Crystal and I were shopping today I picked up the yarn for Rawley's, so now I have all the yarn bought just need to get busy. I also only have one pair of their socks done so I do have to get on it! Another project has grabbed my attention, but I am fearing that I am going to have to pull myself away from it and get more work done on Christmas presents.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Risk of frost and some ponderings

Nightly we have been hearing the warnings of the risk of frost. We haven't had a real hard ground frost yet but it is coming! It really can't come soon enough for Gary as once we have that first hard frost is allergies disappear.

Last weekend we were at the trailer again. Friday night and Saturday were not the best weatherwise. We got lots of taped shows watched, did some reading and I worked on some knitting projects. Sunday was very nice so spent the day outside, got some things put away and got things ready to pull out this coming weekend. We can't go out till saturday evening and then will pull out early afternoon on Sunday.

Haven't talked to Ryan this week yet, but am sure he would of called or emailed had he found a place to live yet. I sure hope that something comes up for him soon. I think he is on holidays now, and is suppose to be preparing to move.

Have been talking with a good friend the last day or two about online friends and how some real true strong friendships can be formed, but on the other hand when people present themselves as something they really are not that those friendships just don't last. I feel so fortunate to have made some of the true strong friendships and feel that those friends will be friends for a lifetime and to also have realized that there are others that had come across as close friends but have now shown their true colors. I really have no time for fair-weather friends who tend to use you, but on the other hand I would do anything for a true-blue friend!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

26 years. WOW!!!

Some ways it feels like way more, but other's it seems impossible that we have been married for 26 years. We have been together for 29 years as we dated 3 years before we were married. I think we are going out for supper tonight, but do plan to go to Winnipeg, probably the first weekend in October to celebrate our anniversary and Gary's birthday.

Things are starting to fall into our regular routine now that school is back in. I have one new little one and he has a tough time when mom or dad leaves, but it is getting better so hopefully it will soon be an issue of the past. I am likeing my afternoons with just my 3 little ones.

Right after daycare last night I went to get my hair done. I got it colored and cut and it feels so much better today. I made my appointment for about a week too late and it had gotten to that point where I could do nothing with it! My hairdresser is sometimes rather frustrating. She tends to do what she thinks would be best and not always what you want. She did change the color a bit but luckily I liked it and she decided that with winter coming I should go a wee bit longer! I don't mind so much, but just wish she would run it by me first to see how I feel about it, since it is my hair!

Last night I got one of those phone calls that really tug at a mom's heart! Ryan and Tammy have been looking for an apartment in Nanaimo and they have not been able to find someting suitable. He said that the ones that are $700 a month are just awful and there is no way they would live there. After I talked to him I did a search online and called him back and suggested that they contact a realty company and check out duplex's as there seemed to be a few of those. I sure hope that things come together for them as he just sounded so down last night. It makes the miles between us seem so much further!

Crystal is settled into ACC now and is enjoying it. She was so happy when she came home yesterday because they finally did some work in Accounting! I guess she is her father's daughter as he loves numbers and accouting too.

This coming weekend will be our last full week of camping. The weather isn't suppose to be very nice so we will pack some movies to help pass the time. Next weekend we can't go out till Saturday evening and then Sunday we have to pack up and pull the trailer out! It is sad that the season is over but with the weather changing it is time to move on, get the fall cleaning done and get work done in the yard etc to get ready for winter. Ugh!!! I hate that word! LOL

Friday, September 09, 2005

School is back in

Now that school has started up again it will be so nice to get back into some sort of a routine here. Cory, Joleen & Jordyn are all off to school full days while Alexis and Johnathon will be off to afternoon kindergarten. Kenzie and Dayne are getting back into the routine of the older kids going off to school. Justin has started daycare and is having a wee bit of trouble letting mom and dad leave, after having been with them all summer, but I am sure that will come. Once he settles down he does fit right in and plays well with the other kids here.

Crystal is back at ACC and is enjoying it. Her and a friend have the same lunch break so they come here to put in the time and eat.

Ryan is doing well and is trying to work out everything to do with them moving. Him and Tammy are off to Nanaimo this weekend to look at apartments/basement suites etc and for Tammy to put out some resumes. Yesterday Ryan was phoning moving companies to get quotes so he can give them to the company and they can get on with that. Someways it is hard being here and him there but I guess it is time for this mom to realize that he is 23 years old and can take care of these things himself.

We will continue camping till the end of the month, when we have to take the trailer out. We have decided to store it at a place in Virden this year. This is where it was last year when it was getting the hail damage repaired. We figured we could afford to pay them to store it rather than burn all the gas hauling it home, then out to our friends and then reversing it in the spring. I am starting to look forward to camping being over with and getting some things done up at home. I really do need to devote a full weekend to a deep cleaning of my house, you know those corners and nooks and crannys that get neglected. The surface doesn't look too badly, but I know what those places are like! We are working at setting our den up nice and cozy for the winter months again. It was totally taken apart this spring when we did the painting and the carpet. We have gotten rid of the old hide a bed couch that was in there, replacing it with a fouton, bought a bigger tv for there so it is almost ready to curl up in, watch some movies and knit!

We are planning on going to Winnipeg the first weekend in October to celebrate our anniversary and Gary's birthday. I also hope to do a bit of Christmas shopping at the time, as I do not want to be near those malls in November and December. Christmas will be so different for us this year as Ryan will not be able to be home for it. Tammy and him are planning to come in January and I do hope that with the move etc that that will still happen. I keep telling myself that it won't be so hard knowing he has Tammy and Rawley now and won't be alone, but still will be hard I am sure.

I have not cast on another WW yet and I really must get at that. I finished up my wrap from the Creative Knitting and will take a picture of it once it is washed and blocked. I am pretty happy with it. Found a patter for a cute crocheted hat in a Creative Knitting as well and did up a couple of those. This morning I showed one of them to Jordyn and her eyes lite up and she put it on and ran to the mirror to check it out! She came back saying it was so neat. I asked her if she figured she would wear it and her eyes got even bigger as she nodded yes. I told her that she could have it them and she ran to put it in her backpack! I must go through my odds and sods of sock yarn and pick out which ones I will use for daycare socks for Christmas and get started on them as well. Now that our temps are getting lower (although you wouldn't know it today, suppose to be 31 with a humidex of 35) I am starting to get more in gear to knit again. Yesterday I thumbed through magazines waiting for something to 'jump' out at me, but nothing did. I do have some yarn for a couple of projects but they are both projects that require concentration and certainly not something that I could pick up and work on while kids play.