
Monday, February 28, 2005

Trailing Leaves

This weekend I worked on my lacy shawl, started a poncho for Laura, and cast on my trailing leaves cardi. Finished the first rectangle of my lacy shawl.

I will get one of my daycare girls to try the poncho on for me so I know how much more to add to it. I am loving working with the Bernat Satin that my cardi is made of, it is so soft! I am really liking the way it is working up to, hopefully I will have it finished for the end of March.

Saturday morning we got up and went out for Wheat King's breakfast and then ran a few errands. I went to Walmart to pick up the yarn for Laura's poncho. Stopped and got groceries on our way home. Spent the afternoon watching the semi final of the Scott's. Sunday we really didn't do much other than watch the finals of the Scott's and then we took Crystal out for her birthday supper.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Lacy Shawl

I have some cotton yarn, cottop top, that I had planned on making a summer shell out of. I started the pattern, but really didn't like it at all so frogged it. Thumbing through my InKnitter magazine I came across a lacy shawl pattern and deicded to try this yarn in that pattern. So far I am happy with the way that it is coming out. I am about 1/2 done the first rectangle.

Have a pair of socks on the go as well, for some inbetween knitting. I also must get my trailing leaves cardigan cast on, maybe tonight while the others are away at hockey.

Crystal went to the college this afternoon to check on her marks. So far only one was up and it was for her toughest course, the one she was sort of worried about. She came home very happy as she got 81 on the exam. This morning her happiness deflated when she found out her car had to go into the shop and it will be about $600 to fix! When she got home from work last night she got her dad to come out to listen to it, cos it was making a funny noise. Funny noises in vehicles seem to equal dollars.

Last night, being Thursday night, was television night. It is the only night that there is 3 hours of shows that we all like to watch. I didn't get a chance to talk to Ryan about his little holiday yet, as by the time he got home I was heading to bed. I will talk to him tonight and hear all about it. I did get a test message from him saying, I just touched the REAL ocean!*S* He said they were having lots of fun and taking lots of pictures. He did phone in the afternoon to see if I could check with the CU about his ATM card. He tried to use it to make a purchase and it kept telling him his card had been cancelled. I called the CU for him and they said they had a glitch in their system that was causing this, his card had not been cancelled and if there was an ATM machine close by he could go there and get cash out cos the glitch wasn't affecting that part, just the trying to use them in a store.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Finishing up some odds and ends

Last night I talked to my dad and he was saying that his hands and feet are really bothering him, but nothing he can't live with. I think he just feels lucky that this is the only side affect that he is dealing with. He wants me to price out udder balm down here for him, as he figures it will be cheaper here and he goes through a lot of it! I will do that before he comes down on Tuesday. After his appointment on Tuesday he will start his fifth round of pills. It has seemed to go by fast, not sure he would agree with me though.

Finished up my second poncho this morning. It is done is a chunky weight sayelle.

I also finished up a dishcloth that I had promised to get done. I did the Manitoba one and it turned out alright I think

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Project that changed it's mind

Not sure this has ever happened to me before, but the entrelac hat that I made has decided that it is going to be a tea cozy! I really wasn't happy with the way it looked as a hat and I slid it over my tea pot and thought... much better *S*

I have been working on another poncho. It really has no one in mind but just doing it to use up stash. Will probably put it away for the Christmas Cheer box. Hopefully I will be able to post a picture later today, or tomorrow for sure.

Must get ahold of our good friends and see what their daughter's favorite colors are and if they think she would like a poncho. Her birthday is coming up quickly so have to get on it quickly.

Today is the day Ryan and his gf are going to the island for some sight seeing. Have been thinking about him and wondering where they are etc. I will probably talk to him Thursday night after he gets back and hear how it went.

Last night my interview went very well. The dad is very nice, and very open which is always nice. The little boy is so cute and very well mannered and well behaved. I think he will fit in here just perfectly!

Off to watch the end of curling and work on my poncho.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Slow Monday

Monday just seemed to drag and drag. I worked on and finished up the poncho I was working on. Cast on another one, but see a mistake so will cast it on again. No big deal as I have only done one row on it.

Last night bowling was pretty good. First game was so/so but the next 2 were over 200 so that was good.

Tonight I have an interview with a daycare parent. He has a 5 yr old little boy who he is looking for care for. So this afternoon during quiet time I will be getting my paperwork etc all together so I am ready for that.

Here is the poncho that I finished:

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sunday Sunday

Today was pretty quiet all around. Did a few things around the house but that was about it. We had snow again last night, not much but everything had a new white covering on it this morning.

The Scott's Tournament of Hearts in on TV so I was able to knit while watching it. I finished up my entrelac hat. I don't know that I would do the pattern again, but I did enjoy doing the entrelac in two colors this time.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Busy Saturday

Today was a busy day. We got up and went out for breakfast and then did a bit of shopping. Came home and did up some things around the house. Remembered that I had to return a book to Coles that I had gotten online. I had ordered the wrong one, so wanted to get the right one ordered.

Then we picked Crystal up at work and went to the trailer show. We looked at all the trailers and boats, but I didn't really see any trailer that jumped out at me. This is probably a good thing because we really aren't in the market to buy now anyways.

After looking at the trailers we got a bite to eat and then went to the hockey game. What a rough game!!! It was Ackland's Grainger night so spouses are sort of expected to go to the game.

Didn't really get to work on any knitting too much, just did a few rows on my entrelac hat.

Another Saturday

Last night I was feeling like a flu bug was biting me, but this morning I am feeling somewhat better! So, I didn't do a whole lot last night other than sit on the couch and watch a couple of shows. I am working on another entralac project that I found a pattern for. It is suppose to end up as a hat, but we will see *S*

Here you go Sandra, a picture of the gazelle, and no that isn't me on it and no you can't knit while you use it. At least I can't! LOL!!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

No more teens

Today my baby turns 20 and I am no longer a mom to teenagers. Goodness where did the time go!! She has always seemed to know her mind and it has caused her some hardships, but I think she has always been proud of her decisions. She is neither a leader nor a follower; but knows what it is she wants and doesn't usually let others sway her. In the past it has cost her some friends, and at the time that hurt of course, but she always had the knowledge that she didn't give in and just do what everyone else was doing, when she didn't believe in it. We are certainly very proud of the young adult that she has become!

Last night I watched to new season of Survivor and worked on a flower hat. This time I just did it all one color. I haven't been working on hats that much for the last couple of weeks and was just thinking last night I should contact them and see if they might like some done in cottons for our hopefully warmer weather that we will be getting.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day?

Haven't been here for a couple of days. Bowling was so so on Monday night. I am really thinking that this will be my last year.

Tuesday didn't really do a whole lot. I worked on my green socks a bit through the day. Dayne seems to have a fascination with them and while I ran up to answer the door, he pulled the needles out of the sock. Thankfully he didn't pull the yarn so all I had to do was slip the needles back in. In the evening I worked on them again and got a good part of the foot done while hanging out in the chat room.

Wednesday morning I had to go to the lab for my bloodwork. Now to wait to hear from the doctor to see what he says. I am thinking that he will tell me to go back on my iron pills, but I really really do not want to. They really do seem to bother my system, but guess if I have to I have to. In the afternoon I finished up the green socks. They are done in an opal that I bought while in WA. This yarn just kept calling and calling to me, not sure why though. *S*

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Was a pretty nice weekend here, the temperatures were nice so wasn't awful having to be out and about. Went out Saturday morning and ran some errands and on Sunday went and got groceries. Other than that just did things up around the house etc. Finished one secret project that I was working on. Cast on a cotton sweater using wool and a pattern that I got from a friend. They cotton yarn is the thick and thin kind and it is taking some to get use to working with it. This sweater has a chevron lace pattern throughout it, so definetly won't be working on it while kids are here. Also waiting not so patiently for my wool to get here from Mary Maxim, thought it might be here this morning, but no such luck so far. Been thumbing through my Inknitter magazine and there are a couple of neat techniques in there that I might play around with.

Oh yes, Friday Gary brought home our piece of exercise equipment. The convinced him to get a gazelle rather than an elliptical trainer and I think it was a good choice.

Friday, February 11, 2005

I wish I had a lys

Last night I went out shopping for some yarn. I had an idea what I wanted for a specific project I want to do. No luck! How I wish I didn't have to rely on walmart and lewiscraft. I guess today I will look online and see what I can find.

Last night I did work on my secret project while watching tv and got some progress made. Am thinking I just might phone mary maxin and ask them what deal I could get on the yarn they sent me in error. They really should give me a good deal on it since it was their error.

Hoping this weekend I might also finish up the sock that I have on my needles. Gary keeps asking when there might be another pair for him in the works. Think I will cast on socks for him to work on when we are travelling to Calgary in March. I am glad that he has finally started to firm up some of his plans for that time. So far he has heard back from his one sister to say that they will be around and would love to have a visit, as well as his good friend. His friend has said that it is no problem for him to get time off from work, so if there are some things he would like to do just let him know.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Moving on to the next project

This morning my bogga bag was all dry and blocked. I threaded the handle thru, added a snap inside for the cell phone holder and then loaded it all up. I think I will be quite happy with it.

And how perfect could this timing be. Just as I was finishing up with my bag the doorbell rang and this is what was in my parcel

And this is the pattern

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Finished felting

Wow! Does Bernat Lana every felt wonderfully. 10 mins in the machine and it was finished. I am pretty happy with the results too.
Here is a picture of the bag before felting. That is a 12 inch ruler on it

This is a picture of the eye glasses holder and cell phone holder

And this is the finished project. The handle isn't on the bag yet at is was still wet in this pic. It is now blocking over a box so it will hold it's shape.


Last night I had to go to a daycare meeting so didn't get to do any knitting at all. I would much rather have been sitting at home working on my projects for felting. I now have the bag finished and the cell phone case finished. Just trying to finish up the eyeglass case and then I can throw them in the washing machine and see what happens *S*. I will take pictures of the three projects before and after.

Still waiting on my order from Mary Maxim, thought it might be here today but not so far. Not sure what I will start once this felting is done. Have a few secret projects to get busy on but the hardest part is done, I found what I am going to make. Also have a bigger secret project to get busy on, but again I know what that will be so much have to get started on it too.

Our weather the last few days has been perfect for knitting as we have plunged back into the deepfreeze, now if only I didn't have things on in the evenings!

Last night Gary and I talked about getting an elliptical trainer. It is coming into the season where I won't be going to the gym as much. Once it gets nicer outside I would much rather be out walking etc than going to the gym. Also when I joined I was able to go in the afternoons or mornings, but now with the kids I have I just can't do that and having to go around 5:30 just seems to cut into our family evening time. And also with an elliptical trainer the rest of the family can use it as well. Thinking that we might go out Thursday night and look at them. Will probably phone the gym today and cancel my membership.

Hopefully after lunch today I will get some before pictures of my felting projects.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Two more to share

I have been busy trying to get rid of things that we really don't need. So that has meant going through boxes, tubs etc. In doing so I came across these two things.

This is a dress that my aunt made for Crystal when she was born

And this is the very first knitting project that I ever made

Entralac Sweaters

Here they are.

This one is my practice one

This is the second one I made

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Finished *S*

Had a pretty quiet morning not doing much other than working on my sweater. I really want to finish it today! My doctor's office openned at noon, so went there to get my B12 shot. He was very busy, seems there is a lot of colds, chest infections, and bronchitis going around. I got done there just in time for us to drive to the theater to catch a movie. We went to see Meet the Fockers and it really was pretty funny! Since the theater is in the same parking lot as Walmart we stopped there so I could pick up some wool for my next project. I got Bernat Lana and am going to use it for some felting projects. I want to make a version of a Booga Bag and then there are some little things I would like to felt as well. Stopped and picked up the few groceries that I needed and then home. Worked on and finished my entralac sweater. I am fairly happy with it, the seaming could be a bit better, but it will do. *S* Tried it on and am happy with the way it fits so that is good. I will get a picture of both of them tomorrow and post.

I also cast on for the booga bag that I am wanting to try. It really should not take that long to make which is good cause I am really interested to see how it will turn out.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Winter Festival

Today we went to the winter festival here. We really did have a lot of fun. The pavillions openned at 1:00 p.m. and they were asking that people didn't try driving to each one, as parking was limited around some of the centers. They had a couple of buses running the routes and they were free and they really encouraged people to use them. That is what we decided to do and it really was the very best way. They dropped you off right at the front door and then pick you up right at the front door. Many of the people who were going to the pavillions were going to partake of all the different beer that each place offerred, but Gary and I were partaking of the food.

Our first stop was the Ukrainian pavillion and that is where we had lunch, Perogies, cabbage rolls, sausage, bread and some very nice desserts. They had a small display of their crafts and there was a lady sitting there working on the decorative eggs.

Next stop was the Icleandic pavillion. They had a very nice display and some of the handiwork was marvelous. They ladies were wearing the most beautiful shawls done in fine fine cotton. Gorgeous. They also had lopi wool there and a display of things they had made with it. We stopped and had a couple of their desserts before we left.

On to the Belgian pavillion and of course we could not leave there without sampling their waffles with chocolate, strawberries and whip cream. And for dessert, as if that wasn't almost like a dessert we had some of their chocolates. There was a display there with two women working on spindle lace making. One of the ladies had a display of things that she had made, so delicate and so very pretty!

The German pavillion was a very boisterous pavillion! The food there smelt wonderful, but neither Gary nor I had room for anything more, so Gary sampled their beer and I sampled their wine. They had a band there playing their music, and that helped to keep the pavillion really hoping!

The Irish pavillion was also a very lively pavillion. They had some young people dancing and they were very interesting to watch They were serving bowls of Irish Stew which did smell very good, but again we were too full. Gary did try their beer and I had a Bailey's Irish Creme.

It really was a fun day and I am very glad that we went. Got home and worked on my sweater and just vegged the evening away.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Thank Goodness Friday is finally here. This has been a very long week, at least for me. Tonight there was a hockey game, so I had the house to myself which is always very nice. I worked on my entralac sweater while watching some television. I am enjoying this entralac, but you sure do have to pay attention to what you are doing all the time *S* I did one a bit ago, but it was more or less just a practice one to see if I could get the hang of it. I just wear it around the house. This one that I am working on I am doing it from Hayfield yarn, that I got while 'shopping' in a friends basement lys *S* I am hoping to finish the sweater this weekend and will get pics up of both of them.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A couple more for now

Batwing shawl that I love doing.

And a vest that I made using Aunt Lydia's crochet cotton.


A flower hat. Pattern was written by a friend.

Patchwork hat. Pattern was written by same friend.

Finally some pictures

I have finally gotten some pictures uploaded so I can post here. Hope you don't get bored.

These are done in the real jeans cotton

Multidirectional scarf done in Mexican Wave

A couple of chemo caps that I have done

An eyelet knit chemo cap