
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May Long Weekend

This past weekend was our May Long and like usual the weather really wasn't that nice at all. It was chilly and wet pretty much the whole weekend.

Friday night we went and did our cleaning first and then headed to the trailer. It was basically cold and raining so we just got the car unpacked and stayed inside.

Saturday it was rainy off and on and still chilly, but at least you could be out and about when it wasn't raining. We re-organized our shed, moved our fire pit and a few other things that we wanted to get done. We were going to go to the fire but I got wet and cold and just felt chilled through to the bone so we didn't go. I told Gary to go ahead and go and have a couple of drinks with everyone, but he said he wasn't going to.

Sunday was pretty much like Saturday weather-wise. In the afternoon the wind went down and it quit raining long enough to get our add-a-room put up. One of the guys we camp with said he would help Gary with it. They just nicely got it put up, finished their beer and down came the rain. We got to try out our add a room right away. We put our little heater in there and it was nice and toasty! Sunday night we went down to fire for awhile but came home once it started sort of misting out.

Monday was mostly rainy so we pretty much stayed in the add a room and watched tv.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Right now daycare spaces are at such a premium. I have never had as long a waiting list as I have now. My phone just rings and rings and parents just sound so disappointed when you say, no I have no spaces sorry.

I had a couple of spaces open up and I got a call from a mother of 2 and she said she wanted the spaces. I told her that she would have to come for a visit, fill out the paperwork and put down a deposit to hold the spaces until her mat leave was over. She didn't come over and I didn't hear from her, so I call her back and she thinks they want the spaces. I told her that with spaces at such a premium I could not hold them for her if she only thought she was taking them. She said, I will take them then. Again I tell her that she needs to come over for a visit, fill out the paperwork and leave her deposit to hold the spaces. Hear nothing from her again. Today I phone her back asking when she was going to be coming over and she is humming and hawing and saying how she is so busy and maybe by the end of June....... I told her that I had a mom who had a little one that wanted in and she was prepared to come and visit right away, fill out the paperwork and leave the deposit so I was going to be calling her telling her she had the spot. The mom then just said, oh okay I will still take the other spot. She isn't sure which child she wants to leave here and still doesn't know when she can come for a visit. With my waiting list the way it is I don't think that there will be a spot waiting for her when she finally makes up her mind, if she ever makes up her mind.

Our weekend

Friday night we went and did the cleaning at Ackland's so that we wouldn't have to do it when we got back on Sunday night.

Saturday we went and worked our shift at the M&M Meats Crohn's and Colitis Charity BBQ. We were on the first shift so it was setting up etc. We sure weren't busy as far as selling burgers or hot dogs so I hope it picked up for them later on. Once our shift was over we came home, finished packing up the car, got Risk and headed to the trailer. It was busier than I expected it to be and some of the ole regulars were there. It was good to see them and get caught up with them. We did a fair bit of work around our lot, cutting back some of the growth that creeps in every year, raked up leaves, cut grass, organized the trailer, organized the shed, and put up the lights. Our lot looked much better once we were done.

Sunday we finished up what we wanted to do around the lot and then just relaxed. Dad came out in the afternoon for a couple of hours as well. We had supper at the trailer and then came home. I was so glad we didn't have to go and clean.

Risk did really well at the campground. It isn't busy yet and there weren't many other dogs around though. We have to keep in on a tether out there, that or on his leash. He is good for the exercise though because we take him for a walk minimum twice a day.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Another Risk Update

Tomorrow we will of had Risk for a month. It really does seem hard to remember what it was like before he came to our house. He still thinks that he would like to escape from the yard and I am thinking it just may be they way he always will be. So, if we can't be paying close attention to him we have had to start keeping him on a tether. He doesn't seem to mind it so that is good, especially since he will need to be tied up at the trailer.

I know I have mentioned about how he has aggression towards other dogs, and it is seeming that it is more so when he is on his leash. The other day he squeezed out the tiniest space in our fence and away he went, down 3 doors to see if the golden labs were around I guess. Well the golden labs were around, and it just so happened they were in their backyard and their gate was open. The one lab barked at him and Risk just ran up and started sniffing him. I was shocked! But he got along really well with them until I picked him up and then he started barking.

Today one of my daycare dad's brought his dog over at pick up time. I had told him about how he just goes wild trying to get at other dogs. Anyways the dad just openned the backgate and let his dog in and Risk and her got along fine. They ran and ran around the backyard. Risk was barking at Sparky, but it wasn't that I am going to get you and eat you aggressive bark, but more like the, I am having fun, I have a new friend bark LOL!!!! I am so happy to know that his goal isn't to tear dogs apart and that we can trust him around other dogs! One day we might even get brave enough to take him to the dog park. Actually I would like to do that as soon as his recall improves.

Friday, May 04, 2007

On needles and hooks

I really haven't been doing very much knitting or crocheting lately at all. I have one sock done for Gary and need to cast the other one on. These are the Horcrux socks and are kind of interesting to make. I also have a sock for me cast on. The leg is just plain vanilla, but as soon as I was done decreasing at the gussett I am putting in some rows of ribbing to see if it will help to hug my foot. Just an experiment.*S*

I also have been making granny squares to make a quillo afghan out of. Once done I will put it in the trailer.

Still Escaping

Our little Houdini is still in action. He can squeeze out the tiniest space. We simply can not let him out in the backyard by himself because he will be gone. If one of us is out there with him and he starts trying to get out, we can call him and he does quit. The other day I had to go on a doggie search again. I went to his normal spot, 3 door down and he wasn't there. This time he had gone across to the apartment building. When he saw me coming he just sort of trotted along in front of me but never getting close enough for me to catch him. I tried calling him, but no go! Once he is out of the yard he forgets all about recall. Finally I guess he had sniffed enough that he turned around and trotted back to me and we went home.

She is finished

On Wednesday morning Crystal wrote her last exam and she is now officially finished college. Her graduation ceremony doesn't take place until June 2nd. She is so happy to be done! Last night we took her out for supper to celebrate.

Also on Wednesday afternoon she found out she has a job. She is going to be working for Westoba Credit Union. For now it is a term position but they said that if they are happy with her they can almost guarantee that it would go to a full time position. She was hoping to work at Crocus Credit Union, but that didn't work out. They didn't have an openning at the present for her and there are a couple of things happening that might of openned up a space but she could wait around for maybe's.

So Wednesday was a pretty good day for Crystal *S*